A Guide to Well-Being Research

‘Well-being research’ is a convenient label for a broad range of inquiries about quality of life, flourishing, or happiness: what benefits us, or makes our lives go well for us. Researchers hail from a wide range of disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, economics, neuroscience, theology, anthropology, religious studies, and medicine, among many others. Much well-being research falls under the heading of positive psychology, but well-being research extends beyond psychology, and also encompasses “negative” matters like ill-being, unhappiness, and suffering.

This page is meant for anyone interested in learning about the field—journalists, policymakers, citizens, students, or simply researchers seeking an introduction to work in other disciplines. We will not try to summarize the vast and fast-changing body of research here, or to offer practical advice. But we will explain some key ideas and direct the reader to helpful readings and courses, as well as resources for teachers.

We welcome comments and suggestions for further resources to include here. Just drop us an email.

What Are Happiness and Well-Being?

Well-Being Research: Frequently Asked Questions

Suggested Readings

Online Courses

Course Syllabi and Other Teaching Resources
