Robert C. Roberts taught philosophy at Western Kenctucky University, Wheaton College, and Baylor University. He now holds the Chair of Ethics and Emotion Theory in the Jubilee Centre at the University of Birmingham (UK).
With Michael Spezio, he has recently been awarded a grant from the Templeton-funded Self, Motivation, and Virtue Project for a study of humility in loving encounter. His work has focused on the nature and interaction of emotions and virtues and vices.
He is the co-author (with W. Jay Wood) of Intellectual Virtues (2007), and the author of Spiritual Emotions (2007) and a three-volume work on the moral psychology of emotions, of which Emotions: An Essay in Aid of Moral Psychology (2003) is the first, Emotions in the Moral Life (2013) is the second, and Attention to Virtues (in progress) is the third.